Established in 2011, the Zooarchaeology Laboratory is located in the Institute for Prehistoric and Protohistoric Archaeology and is directed by Cheryl Makarewicz. The Zoorchaeology Lab provides a space of interaction for researchers pursuing work on animal domestication processes, pastoralist production, hunter-gather subsistence strategies, and the role of animals and their products in facilitating social relationships within human communities. The Zooarchaeology Lab works closely with members of the Archaeological Stable Isotope Lab and aDNA Laboratory in order to develop creative, multi-disciplinary approaches to answering questions relating to animal use.
The Zooarchaeology Lab holds a large modern comparative collection of European mammalian, avian, and aquatic species. This collection complement the massive modern faunal collection housed in the Institute of Zoology, which contains a variety of European animals, as well as zoo specimens from other geographic regions. (Please contact Renate Lücht for additional information on and access to these specimens.). Work is currently underway to expand the comparative collection in the Zooarchaeology Lab to include specimens from southwest Asia.
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Open on request only for scientific research | Zugänglichkeit auf Anfrage, ausschließlich für Forschungzwecke